Lefranc, Jean-Martial

Lefranc, Jean-Martial
   After being a publisher of comics and an editor of video games, he began a new career as a film producer (1992 Le Fils du Requin, Agnès Merlet, France / Belgium / Luxembourg; 1994 E pericoloso sporgersi / Les Dimanches de Permission, Nae Caranfil, Romania / France, shot in 1992; 1995 Tom est tout seul, Fa­bien Onteniente, shot in 1993), executive producer (1997 Les Mille Merveilles de l'Univers, Jean-Michel Roux; 1999 Wing Commander, Chris Roberts, USA / Luxembourg), and director.
2006 ◘ L'Equilibre de la Terreur (also screenwriter, producer)
2008 ◘ Une Vie éternelle (documentary; also screenwriter)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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