Lamy, Raymond

Lamy, Raymond
(Marie Ernest Raymond Lamy / August 15, 1903, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, France - June 7, 1982, Villeneuve-Loubet, Alpes-Maritimes, France)
   He made his apprenticeship at Gaumont in 1922 and edited more than forty films from 1930 (Le Refuge, Léon Mathot) to 1970 Caïn de nulle Part / USA: Cain from Nowhere (Daniel Daërt), including several mas­terpieces directed by Sacha Guitry (1951 Tu m'as sauvé la Vie; Deburau; La Poison / USA: The Poison) and Robert Bresson (1956 Un Condamné à Mort s'est échappé ou Le Vent souffle où il veut / USA: A Man Es­caped, or The Wind Bloweth Where it Listeth; 1959 Pick­pocket; 1966 Au Hasard Balthazar / Min van Balthazar / USA: Balthazar, France / Sweden; 1967 Mouchette; 1969 Une Femme douce / UK: A Gentle Creature / USA: A Gentle Woman). He was also an assistant director (1932 Chair ardente, René Plaissetty; 1939 Grand Père, Robert Péguy; 1946 Martin Roumagnac / USA: The Room Upstairs, Georges Lacombe) and technical ad­viser (1944 Le Voyageur sans Bagages, Jean Anouilh).
1938 ◘ Clodoche (co-director with Claude Orval)
1947 ◘ Miroir

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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