- Laloux, René
- (December 13, 1929, Paris-March 14, 2004, Angoulême, Charente, France)He was mostly a painter until 1955, the year he began managing painting and puppet workshops at the psychiatric clinic of Cour Cheverny. He used the results of his collaboration with mentally ill patients to direct his first animated short, Les Dents du Singe, which earned him the Emile Cohl Prize. After receiving the Cannes Film Festival Jury Special Prize for La Planète sauvage / UK: The Savage Planet / USA: The Fantastic Planet in 1973, he founded his own studio in Angers. He dedicated the last years of his life to painting and teaching. He appeared as an actor in Le Petit Claus et le grand Claus (Pierre Prévert, 1964), wrote La Montagne qui accouche (animated short, Jacques Colom-bat, 1972), and adapted L'œil du Loup (animated short, Joël Caouissin).Filmography1960 ◘ Les Dents du Singe (animated short; also cinematographer)◘ Les Temps morts (animated short; also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, editor)◘ Les Escargots (animated short; also co-screenwriter, animator)1973 ◘ La Planète sauvage / Divorka planeta / UK: The Savage Planet / USA: The Fantastic Planet (animation; also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Czechoslovakia; shot in 1968)1982 ◘ Les Maîtres du Temps / Herrscher der Zeit / Az ido urai / US video: Time Masters (animation; also co-screenwriter, co-adapter; France / Switzerland / West Germany / Hungary; shot in 1980)1987 ◘ Comment Wang-Fo fut sauvé (animated short; also screenwriter, cinematographer)1988 ◘ La Prisonnière (animated short; co-director with Philippe Caza; also co-screenwriter, art director)◘ Gandahar / USA: Light Years (animation; also co-adapter; France / North Korea)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.