- Lalande, Claude-André
- (December 13, 1925, Montrouge, Hauts-de-Seine, France - )A cinematographer (1949 La Ville et ses ChansonsL short, Jacques Planche) and assistant editor (1953 Femmes de Paris, Jean Boyer), he mostly directed shorts.Filmography◘ Il était . . . Trois Chansons (short)◘ Dimanche à Paris (short)◘ Deux Billets pour Naples (short; also cinematographer)◘ Le Pompon rouge (short)◘ Boîte à vendre (short)1956 ◘ La Jungle en Folie / M. Dupont Homme blanc / Le Sorcier blanc (also screenwriter; shot in 1952)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.