Image, Jean

Image, Jean
(Imre Hadju / January 26, 1911, Budapest, Hungary - October 25, l989, Paris, France)
   A painter and a set decorator, he settled in Paris in l937. He produced and directed several commercials before specializing in cartoons. From l960, he mainly worked for TV.
1937 ◘ Sur Deux Notes (animated short)
1939 ◘ Le Loup et l'Agneau (animated short)
        ◘ Les Noirs jouent et gagnent (animated short)
        ◘ Princesse Clé de Sol (animated short)
        ◘ Les Somnambules (animated short)
        ◘ Fantaisies à Paris (animation)
        ◘ Rhapsodie de Saturne (animated short; also producer)
1948 ◘ Ballade atomique (animated short; also producer)
1950 ◘ Jeannot l'Intrépide / USA: Johnny the Giant Killer / US TV: Johnny Little and the Giant (animation; also screenwriter, producer)
        ◘ Bonjour Paris / La Tour prends garde (animation; also producer)
1953 ◘ Le Loup et l'Agneau (animation; second version; also producer)
        ◘ The River of Steel (animation; short)
        ◘ La Cigale et la Fourmi (animated short; also producer)
        ◘ Monsieur Victor ou la Machine à retrouver le Temps (animated short; also producer)
        ◘ Un Grain de bon Sens (animated short)
        ◘ L'Aventure du Père Noël (animated short; also producer)
        ◘ La Petite Reine (animated short; also producer)
1958 ◘ Le Petit Peintre et la Sirène (animated short; also producer)
        ◘ Magie moderne (animated short; also producer)
1959 ◘ François s'évade (animated short; also producer)
        ◘ Picolo le petit Peintre (animated short)
        ◘ Le Chêne et le Roseau (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
        ◘ Loe chez les Abeilles (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
        ◘ Loe et la Fête des Abeilles (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
        ◘ Joe et le Ciné Miel (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
        ◘ Loe le Gourmand (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
        ◘ Western à Rucheville (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
1963 ◘ La Bataille de Fourmicity (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
        ◘ Le Chanteur inconnu (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
        ◘ La Fontaine des Trois Soldats (animated short)
        ◘ La Fourmi géante (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
        ◘ Loe fait l'Ecole buissonnière (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
        ◘ Le Petit Train (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
        ◘ Visite à Fourmicity (animated short; co-director with Denis Boutin)
1965 ◘ Images d'Epinal (animated short; also co-screenwriter)
        ◘ Licolo à la Tour Eiffel (animated short)
        ◘ Licolo à l'Opéra (animated short)
        ◘ Licolo au Défilé du 14 Juillet (animated short)
1968 ◘ Les Enfants de l'Espace (animated short; also screenwriter, producer)
        ◘ Aladin et la Lampe merveilleuse / UK and USA: Aladdin and His Magic Lamp (animated short; also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)
        ◘ Pantatomanie (animated short; also screenwriter)
1973 ◘ Joë petit Boum-Boum / Canada: Johnny in the Valley of the Giants (animation; also screenwriter)
        ◘ Le Crayon de l'Espace (animated short; also screenwriter)
1979 ◘ Piluk, Naufragé de l'Espace (animation; also screenwriter; shot in l974)
        ◘ Les Fabuleuses Aventures du légendaire Baron de Munchausen (animation; also co-screenwriter, delegate producer)
1983 ◘ Le Secret des Sélénites / USA: Moon Mad­ness (animation; also co-screenwriter; shot in l98l)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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