Hunebelle, André

Hunebelle, André
(September 1, 1896, Meudon, Hauts-de-Seine, France - November 26, 1985, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France)
   After studying law in Paris, he became a glass artist (1922-1939). At age forty-five, he switched to cin­ema and created his production company, la P.A.C., which financed dozens of commercial films until the mid-1970s (1942 Feu sacré, Maurice Cloche; 1943 L'Inévitable Monsieur Dubois, also art director, Pierre Billon; 1944 Florence est folle, as co-producer, Georges Lacombe; 1946 Leçon de Conduite, also art director, Gilles Grangier; 1947 Rendez-vous à Paris, Gilles Grangier; 1948 Carrefour du Crime, Jean Sacha; 1955 Série Noire / USA: The Infiltrator, Pierre Fou-caud; 1956 Mémoires d'un Flic, Pierre Foucaud; 1959 Suivez-moi, jeune Homme, Guy Lefranc; 1967 Le Vieil Homme et l'Enfant / UK: The Old Man and the Boy / USA: The Two of Us, as co-producer, Claude Berri; Estouffade à la Caraïbe / Avventurieri per una rivolta / Pagati per morire / UK: The Looters / USA: Gold Rob­bers, as co-producer, Jacques Besnard, France / Italy; Atout Coeur à Tokyo pour OSS 117 / OSS 117 a Tokio si muore / UK: Mission to Tokyo / USA: OSS 117— Terror in Tokyo, as co-producer, Michel Boisrond, France / Italy; 1968 Le Rapace / Il Rapace / El Rapaz, as co-producer, José Giovanni, France / Italy / Mexico; 1969 Les Etrangers / Quelli che sanno uccidere / Que esperen los cuervos / Fruhstuck mit dem Killer / Geier kônnen warten, as co-producer, Jean-Pierre Desagnat, France / Italy / Spain / West Germany; 1970 La Horse / Il clan degli uomini violenti / Der Erbarmungslose, as co-producer, Pierre Granier-Deferre, France / Italy / West Germany). He directed his first film at age fifty-two. In 1971, he was a technical adviser to Jean Brismée (Au Service du Diable / Le Château du Vice / La plus longue Nuit du Diable / La Nuit des Pétrifiés / La notte più lunga del Diavolo / La terrificante notte del demonio / UK video: Castle of Death / Nightmare of Terror / USA: The Devil's Nightmare / Vampire Playgirls (Belgium / Italy).
        ◘ Métier de Fous (also producer)
        ◘ Mission à Tanger (also producer)
        ◘ Millionnaires d'un Jour / USA: A Simple Case of Money (also producer)
        ◘ Méfiez-vous des Blondes (also producer)
        ◘ Ma Femme est formidable (also producer)
        ◘ Massacre en Dentelles (also producer)
        ◘ Monsieur Taxi (also producer)
        ◘ Mon Mari est merveilleux (also producer)
        ◘ Les Trois Mousquetaires / Fate largo ai moschettieri! / USA: The Three Musketeers (also co-producer; France / Italy)
        ◘ Cadet-Rousselle (also producer)
        ◘ L'Impossible Monsieur Pipelet (also producer, uncredited actor)
        ◘ Treize à Table
        ◘ Mannequins de Paris (also co-adapter, co-producer)
        ◘ Les Collégiennes / UK and USA: The Twilight Girls Casino de Paris / Casino de Paris / USA: Casino de Paris (also co-adapter, co-dialogist, co-producer; France / Italy / West Germany)
        ◘ Les Femmes sont marrantes / USA: Women Are Talkative (also co-producer)
        ◘ Taxi, Roulotte et Corrida (also co-adapter, co-producer)
        ◘ Arrêtez le Massacre! (also co-adapter, co-producer)
        ◘ Le Bossu / La spada degli Orléans / USA: The Hunchback of Paris / The King's Avenger (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-producer; France / Italy)
        ◘ Le Capitan / Il capitano del re / USA: Captain Blood / US TV: The Invincible Swordsman (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-producer; France / Italy)
        ◘ Le Miracle des Loups / La congiura dei potenti / USA: Blood on His Sword / The Miracle of the Wolves (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-producer; France / Italy)
        ◘ Les Mystères de Paris / I misteri di Parigi / UK and USA: The Mysteries of Paris / US TV: Devil of Paris (also co-producer; France / Italy)
        ◘ OSS 117 se déchaîne / OSS 117 segretissimo / UK and USA: OSS 117 (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, co-producer; France / Italy)
        ◘ Méfiez-vous Mesdames! / Chi vuol dormire nel mio letto (also co-producer; France / Italy)
        ◘ Banco à Bangkok pour OSS 117 / OSS 117 min-accia a Bangko / USA: Panic in Bangkok / Shadow of Evil (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-dialogist, co-producer; France / Italy)
        ◘ Fantômas / Fantomas 70 (also co-producer, uncredited actor; co-director with Jacques Besnard; France / Italy)
        ◘ Furia à Bahia pour OSS 117 / OSS 117 furia a Bahia / UK: Mission for a Killer / USA: OSS 117: Mission for a Killer (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter, co-producer; France / Italy)
        ◘ Fantômas se déchaîne / Fantomas minaccia il mondo / UK: Fantomas Strikes Back / The Vengeance of Fantomas (also co-producer; France / Italy)
1967 ◘ Fantômas contre Scotland Yard / Fantomas contro Scotland Yard (also co-producer; France / Italy)
1968 ◘ Pas de Roses pour OSS 117 / Niente rose per OSS 117 / UK: OSS 117 Murder for Sale / USA: No Roses for OSS 117 / OSS 117—Double Agent (also co-producer)
        ◘ Sous le Signe de Monte-Cristo / Montecristo '70 / USA: The Return of Monte Cristo / Under the Sign of Monte Cristo (also co-producer; France / Italy)
1974 ◘ Les Quatre Charlots Mousquetaires / UK: The
        ◘ Four Charlots Musketeers
        ◘ A nous Quatre Cardinal! / UK: The Four Charlots
        ◘ Musketeers 2
1978 ◘ Ça fat Tilt!
 Television Filmography
1973 ◘ Joseph Balsamo (7 X 52'; France / Austria)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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