Hamman, Joë

Hamman, Joë
(Jean Hamman / October 26, 1883, Paris, France - June 30, 1974, Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, France)
   Of Dutch descent, he was born and grew up in Paris. After completing his secondary studies in France and Great Britain, he moved to the USA, where he earned a living as as drawer and reporter. He became an accomplished cowboy working on ranches in Montana, mixing with Indians on reservations, and even meeting Buffalo Bill. Having returned to France to do his military service, he intended to become a painter but was soon captivated by cinema. He sold the screenplay of a western to Luxembourg. In 1907 and 1908, he wrote, directed, and performed about ten movies for the company. In 1909, the British film society Safety Bioscope Cie hired him to portray Buffalo Bill. Besides his own films, he starred in most of the westerns directed by Jean Durand. In 1912, he signed a contract with L'Eclipse for his most famous serial, Arizona Bill. He stopped directing in 1931 but pursued his acting career until the mid-1940s. His last appearance was in a film shot by newcomer Francis Leroi (Pop Game, 1966). He also illustrated books. Autobiography: 1962 Du Far West à Montmartre (Les Editeurs Français Réunis).
1907 ◘ Cow Boy (short; also screenwriter, actor)
        ◘ Le Desperado (short; also screenwriter, actor)
1909 ◘ Les Aventures de Buffalo Bill (five shorts; also actor; UK)
        ◘ Un Drame au Far West (short; also screenwriter, actor)
1911 ◘ La Chevauchée infernale (short; also actor)
        ◘ L'Ile de l'Epouvante (short; also actor)
        ◘ L'Oiseau de Proie (short; also actor)
1912 ◘ Aux Mains des Brigands (short; also actor)
1912 ◘ Arizona Bill (shorts: La Piste argentée, De l'Azur aux Ténèbres, La Ville souterraine, Les Fraudeurs d'Opium, Les Diables rouges, Aux Mains des Brigands, L'Oiseau de Proie, La Chevauchée infernale, also screenwriter, dialogist)
1913 ◘ 210 contre 213 (short; also actor)
        ◘ Les Diables rouges (short; also actor)
        ◘ La Ville souterraine / USA: The Subterranean City / Trailing the Jewel Thieves (short; also actor)
1921 ◘ L'Etrange Aventure (also actor)
        ◘ Le Gardian (also actor)
1926 ◘ La Fille des Pachas (co-director with Adrien Caillard; also actor)
        ◘ Un Caprice de la Pompadour (German ver­sion: Die Marquise von Pompadour, Willi Wolff, France / Germany)
        ◘ Les Monts en Flammes (German version: Berge in Flammen; Luis Trenker; France / Germany)
        ◘ Grock (German version: Grock; Carl Boese; France / Germany)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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