Guérin, Gérard

Guérin, Gérard
(January 15, 1937, Paris, France -)
   The son of a violinist father and a ballet dancer at the Paris Opera mother, he studied engineering, physics, mathematics, and chemistry. In 1959, he started as a sound engineer and then served as an assistant director to Claude Autant-Lara. After doing his military service in Algeria during the war, he met producer Robert Dorfmann and resumed his career as an assistant with Gérard Oury (1965 Le Corniaud / Colpo grosso ma non troppo / UK and USA: The Sucker, France / Italy; 1966 La Grande Vadrouille / Don't Look Now, We've Been Shot At / USA: Don't Look Now—We're Being Shot At, France / UK), William Wyler (1966 How to Steal a Million, USA), Bertrand Blier (1967 Si j'étais un Espion / Breakdown), Tinto Brass (1967 Col cuore in gola / Le Cœur aux Lèvres / UK: Heart Beat / USA: I Am What I Am, Italy / France), and Robert Dhéry (1968 Le Petit Baigneur / Si salvi chi puo, France / Italy). In 1970, he was an executive producer for a series of films on the musicians Rostropovich, Isaac Stern, Yehudi Men-uhin, and Stockhausen. Two years later, he directed his first feature film, Lo Pais, which was shown in a parallel section in 1973. He produced several films (1978 La Voix de son Maître, documentary, Gérard Mordillat, Nicolas Philibert; 1983 Le Destin de Juliette, Aline Issermann; Vive la Sociale! / USA: My Father Is Red, Gérard Mordillat; 1994 En Compagnie d'AntoninArtaud / UK and USA: My Life and Times with Antonin Artaud, originally shot for TV, Gérard Mordillat) and co-wrote an episode of the Série noire TV series ("Pas de vieux Os", Gérard Mordillat) and a feature film (1985 Billy Ze Kick, Gérard Mordillat). Other credits (as actor): 1970 Bartleby (short, Gérard Mordillat); 1974 La Choi­sie (short, also composer, Gérard Mordillat).
1973 ◘ Lo Païs (also screenwriter, co-producer; shot in 1971)
1980 ◘ Paysannes (3 X 120' documentary: episodes "Le Dehors et le Dedans", "Parents et En­fants", "Guerre de Femmes"; shot in 1978)
1982 ◘ Douce Enquête sur la Violence / USA: Sweet Inquest on Violence (also screenwriter, dialogist, producer; shot in 1980-1981)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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