Grémillon, Jean

Grémillon, Jean
(October 3, 1901, Bayeux, Calvados, France - November 25, 1959, Paris, France)
   After completing his secondary studies at Brest and Bayeux, he moved to Paris, where he studied music with Vincent d'Indy. He started his working life playing violin with cinema orchestras that accompanied silent movies. He met cinematographer Georges Périnal, who became his collaborator on most of the films he directed.
1923 ◘ Chartres (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ Le Revêtement des Routes / La Construction des Chaussées modernes (documentary; short; also editor)
1924 ◘ La Bière (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ Du Fil à l'Aiguille (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ L'Etirage des Ampoules électriques (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ La Fabrication du Ciment artificiel (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ La Fabrication du Fil (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ Les Parfums (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ La Photogénie mécanique (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ Les Roulements à Billes (documentary; short; also editor)
1925 ◘ Les Aciéries de la Marine et de l'Homecourt (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ L'Auvergne (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ L'Education professionnelle des Conducteurs de
        ◘ Tramway (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ L'Electrification de la ligne Paris-Vierzon (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ Naissance des Cigognes (documentary; short; also editor)
1926 ◘ La Croisière de l'"Atalante" (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ Gratuités (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ Un Tour au Large (medium-length; also screenwriter, editor)
        ◘ La Vie des Travailleurs italiens en France (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ Maldone / USA: Misdeal (also composer)
        ◘ Bobs (documentary; short; also editor)
        ◘ Gardiens de Phare / USA: The Lighthouse Keep­ers (also editor)
        ◘ La Petite Lise
        ◘ Daïnah la Métisse (the movie was cut and then released as a medium-length disowned by
        ◘ Jean Grémillon)
1932 ◘ Pour un Sou d'Amour
        ◘ Le Petit Babouin (short; also editor, composer)
        ◘ Gonzague ou L'Accordeur (medium-length; also screenwriter, adapter, dialogist)
        ◘ La Dolorosa (also co-screenwriter; Spain)
        ◘ Centinela, alerta! (co-director with Luis Bunuel; also editor; Spain)
        ◘ Valse royale (French-language version of Herbert Malsch's Konigswalzer; Germany / France)
        ◘ Pattes de Mouche (also co-screenwriter, co-adapter)
        ◘ Gueule d'Amour (also co-adapter)
        ◘ L'Etrange Monsieur Victor / Der Merkwurdige Monsieur Victor (France / Germany)
1941 ◘ Remorques / USA: Stormy Waters (shot in 1939-1940, 1941)
        ◘ Lumière d'Eté
        ◘ Le Ciel est à vous / UK: The Sky Is Yours / USA: The Woman Who Dared
        ◘ Le 6 Juin à l'Aube (documentary; medium-length; also screenwriter, author of commen­tary, composer)
1947 ◘ Le Printemps de la Liberté (short; also screenwriter, dialogist, composer)
1949 ◘ Pattes blanches / USA: White Paws
        ◘ Les Charmes de l'Existence / UK: The Charms of Life (short; co-director with Pierre Kast; also co-screenwriter, author of commentary)
1951 ◘ L'Etrange Madame X
        ◘ Caf' Conc' (unfinished)
        ◘ Les Désastres de la Guerre (short; also author of commentary, actor, composer)
1952 ◘ Astrologie / Le Miroir de la Vie (documentary; short; also composer)
        ◘ Encyclopédie filmée: Alchimie (documentary; short; also screenwriter)
1954 ◘ L'Amour d'une Femme / L'amore di una donna (also screenwriter, co-adapter, uncredited co-dialogist, France / Italy)
        ◘ Au Cœur de l'Ile-de-France (documentary; short; also composer)
        ◘ La Maison aux Images (documentary; short; also author of commentary, composer)
        ◘ Haute Lisse (short; author of commentary, composer)
1958 ◘ André Masson et les Quatre Eléments (short; also author of commentary, composer)

Encyclopedia of French film directors . . 2011.

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  • Grémillon, Jean — (1901 1959)    Director. Jean Grémillon began his career as a musician. He went to Paris in 1920 to study music at the Schola cantorum, where he met the actor Charles Dullin. At the same time Grémillon began performing in film orchestras to make… …   Guide to cinema

  • Grémillon, Jean — (1901 1959)    Director. Jean Grémillon began his career as a musician. He went to Paris in 1920 to study music at the Schola cantorum, where he met the actor Charles Dullin. At the same time Grémillon began performing in film orchestras to make… …   Historical Dictionary of French Cinema

  • Gremillon, Jean — • ГРЕМИЙО Н (Gremillon) Жан (3.10.1901 25.11.1959)    франц. режиссёр. По образованию музыкант. В кино с 1925. Ставил док., науч. популяр., к/м фильмы. Первый худож. ф. Подтасовка (1927). Это изысканный по стилю ф. о жизни моряков принёс Г.… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Jean Gremillon — Jean Grémillon Jean Grémillon Naissance 3 octobre 1901 Bayeux, France Nationalité(s) française Décès 25  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Grémillon — Jean Grémillon (* 3. Oktober 1901 in Bayeux; † 25. November 1959 in Paris) war ein französischer Filmregisseur. Grémillon begann seine Karriere als Violinist, der in Stummfilmorchestern tätig war. Seit 1923 begann er selbst Filme zu drehen,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • GRÉMILLON (J.) — GRÉMILLON JEAN (1902 1959) Réalisateur aujourd’hui un peu oublié, Jean Grémillon, dont la carrière va de 1923 à 1958, est pourtant l’un des metteurs en scène importants de l’histoire du cinéma français. Il fut l’auteur de documentaires (Alchimie …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Grémillon — (Jean) (1902 1959) cinéaste français: Remorques (1941) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Jean Grémillon — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Grémillon. Jean Grémillon Données clés Naissance 3 octobre 1901 Bayeux, France Nationalité …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jean Grémillon — (October 3, 1901 – November 25, 1959) was a French film director. After directing a number of documentaries during the 1920s, many now lost, he had his first substantial success with the dramatic feature Maldone in 1928. Over the next quarter… …   Wikipedia

  • Jean Grémillon — (* 3. Oktober 1901 in Bayeux, Basse Normandie; † 25. November 1959 in Paris) war ein französischer Filmregisseur. Leben Jean Grémillon begann seine Karriere als Violinist, der in Stummfilmorchestern tätig war. Seit 1923 begann er selbst Filme zu… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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