- Duty, Claude
- (September 9, 1946, Tunis, Tunisia-)After studying graphics and advertising drawing, he worked for the ORTF (French TV at the time) animation cinema service before directing shorts. He played in several movies (1980 Le Rôle effacé de Marie, Jean-Michel Mongrédien; 1996 Rouen, Cinq Minutes d'Arrêt, short, Ingrid Gogny; 1997 La Nuit des Cétoines, short, Antoine Vivet; 2000 Soleil, short, Fabrice Tempo; 2002 L'Auberge espagnole / Una casa de locos / UK and Canada: Pot Luck / USA: The Spanish Apartment, Cédric Klapisch; 2005 El Cantor, Joseph Morder; 2006 Avril, Gérald Hustache-Mathieu) and filmed the final sequences of Olivier Assayas's Irma Vep (1996) and Olivier L. Brunet's short Le Mariage de Fanny (1999).Filmography1974 ◘ Le Courant d'Air (16-mm short; also screenwriter, producer)1976 ◘ Les Contes du Noyé bagué (16-mm short; also screenwriter, producer, producer designer, editor)1978 ◘ Images d'Archives (short)◘ La Religieuse de Diderot (16-mm short; also screenwriter, producer)◘ Rêves de Vaches . . . (16-mm short; also screenwriter, producer)◘ Mode d'Emploi (16-mm short; also screenwriter, producer, cinematographer)◘ J'en bave . . . (16-mm short; also screenwriter, producer, editor)◘ Observation de l'Hématozoaire de Laveran (16-mm animated short; also screenwriter, producer, cinematographer)◘ Poppée (16-mm short; also screenwriter, producer)◘ Intra-Muros (16-mm short; also screenwriter)◘ Le plus beau Film que vous ayez vus . . . (short)◘ Les Enervés de Jumièges (short; also screenwriter)1988 ◘ Mourir en Macédoine (animated short; also screenwriter, production designer)◘ Dialogues givrés (13 X 35' video shorts)◘ Ménage à froid (short; also screenwriter)◘ Lassera-t-il? (short; also screenwriter)◘ Retour de Bâton (short; also screenwriter)1995 ◘ La Pucelle des Zincs (short; also co-screenwriter)◘ Lierre & Claude (animated short; co-director with Alain Ade; also screenwriter)◘ Stigmates (short; co-director with Jean-Louis Gonnet; also co-screenwriter)◘ Rupture imposé (video short; also screenwriter)◘ Rupture de Fin d'Eté (video short; also screenwriter)◘ Loids et moi (short; also screenwriter)◘ En plein dans la Cuisse! (video short; also screenwriter)◘ Le Goût du Couscous (video short; also screenwriter, cinematographer, editor)◘ Filles perdues, Cheveux gras (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist)◘ Bienvenue au Gîte / Bed and Breakfast (also co-screenwriter, co-dialogist; France / UK)
Encyclopedia of French film directors . Philippe Rège. 2011.